But what's surprising to me is that my dental hygienist is also upset. She talked my ear off during my appointment yesterday about how awful the pictures were of the boy's pummeled face on KDKA the night before. This is an issue that has touched the city. This must be handled well and respectfully. I'm personally sick of hearing about all the abuses of city police (which I'm sure are caused by a few bad eggs) that never get properly resolved. This time, the FBI is stepping in. Let's say "No More" to the domestic abuse, drunken attacks, and violent beatings performed by certain officers. They shame their upstanding brethren and all of Pittsburgh. Unless the city takes strong and firm action this behavior will continue unchecked.
1 day ago
The police don't see this as abuse. They refer to it as "redding up a perp."
I guess they didn't get it all out during the G20.
Also watch out for divisive language to be introduced as a back door technique to dissipating the situation. I heard one station last night say the incident has increased racial tension. Huh? I think they meant ppl realize that the cops beat the kid b/c he was black and in a poor neighborhood, but racial tension also can be used to divide advocates and weaken a movement. Watch for the other side to try to sew those seeds to wedge the response into two camps.
I went to CAPA years ago in the old building and I have two children there now. I don't doubt the police didn't know what school he came from but I would never expect a kid from that school to be considered a perp in anything. That had to have realized he didn't have a gun when they were using sticks to beat him with. Just sick and sad that children have to go through these things. I for one certainly do not agree that it was justified at all.
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