Monday, March 23, 2009

Stay Tuned

For the next 2 1/2 months, I'll be updating this blog from Peru keeping up with the Pittsburgh community through blogs, twitter, and newspaper websites. It's really not much different than what I do in Pittsburgh. But it does mean I'll have to wait 2 1/2 months to visit the new Hofbrauhaus in Pittsburgh.

While I expect Peru to exceed Pittsburgh in terms of fresh fruit and the temperature, I'll work on comparisons of political corruption and public transportation options.


Jermaine said...

Why Peru?

Vannevar said...

Vaya Con Dios.

illyrias said...

Peru is a reasonably-priced country that has a wealth of pre-columbian ruins, hiking, good weather, great food, pleasant people, and decent wine.

Paz said...

Haha I just realized why someone in Lima's been reading my blog.